Unfortunately, many times people seek copies of their credit reports by going to sites like CreditKarma.com or one of the Credit Bureaus first and pay to obtain them. We advise our clients to get their Credit Reports through a website that provides a free annual report from Equifax, TransUnion and Experian and is guaranteed by Federal law. This website is the quickest, easiest way to get your credit reports for FREE! Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Attorney Florida
Use AnnualCreditReport.Com to Get Your Free Annual Credit Report
We recommend to all of our clients that they use AnnualCreditReport.com as it is the official site where they can obtain a free copy of their annual credit reports. The right to obtain a free annual copy of your credit reports is guaranteed by Federal law. You are eligible to get a free copy of your credit report every twelve (12) months from Equifax, TransUnion and Experian. BK Attorneys Near Me Florida
Don’t be fooled by look-alike sites. Make sure that you go to the right site by clicking the above hyperlink. You can also get there by typing www.AnnualCreditReport.com in your browser address line. You can also cut and past www.AnnualCreditReport.com in your browser address line. Does Bankruptcy Stop Garnishment Florida
Once you are on www.AnnualCreditReport.com you are able to obtain your free annual copy of your credit report from Equifax, TransUnion and Experian. Obviously, this service is only available once a year. If you have already received a free copy of your annual report you won’t be eligible to get it again for another year. You will have to use a paid method to obtain a copy of your current report from Equifax, TransUnion and Experian. Can You Keep Your House With Chapter 7
In these situations where you are not eligible to obtain your current reports through www.AnnualCreditReport.com, you should go directly to each of the Bureaus websites to get your report, they will charge you for a copy, but you will know you are getting the reports directly from their source. Chapter 13 Florida
Additionally, it is important to review your credit reports on at least an annual basis. It helps you to catch signs of identity theft and other issues that impact your eligibility to obtain credit. If you are dealing with financial hardship, reviewing your credit reports is vital to the planning of your strategy to deal with your debts. From a Bankruptcy prospective, your credit reports identify all the proper parties that need to be put on notice of your bankruptcy. By putting them on notice, they will be bound by a bankruptcy discharge, should your case be granted one by the court. Chapter 7 Near Me Florida
Further, it is important to remember that some debts may not appear on your credit reports. It is also important to remember that some debts are reported differently by Equifax, TransUnion, and Experian. As such, it is necessary that you make an independent list of your creditors and confirm what is being shown on the credit reports matches your list. This again will help ensure that all of your creditors are put on notice when your bankruptcy case is filed.
Are you considering filing for bankruptcy?
Lastly, if you are considering filing for bankruptcy, it is important that you speak with a bankruptcy attorney who can help you evaluate your potential homestead exemption and issues that may impact your exemption status in bankruptcy. Every bankruptcy case is different, so what has worked for one debtor may not necessarily work for another. If you are in Miami-Dade County or Broward County, Florida, please feel free to contact us to set up a FREE consultation to discuss your specific situation.
Not ready to speak with a Bankruptcy Attorney, but want to get the answers to questions you have, request a copy of my book by clicking here.
This blog post is made available for educational and informational purposes only and to promote a general understanding of the law, and not to provide specific legal advice. Use of this blog does not create an attorney-client relationship. Reading this post is not a substitute for obtaining legal advice based on the unique facts of your situation from an attorney licensed to practice law in your state. No representation is made regarding the current state of the information contained in this post. Examples that may be provided in this post are merely for illustrative purposes; the results in your case may be different and no results are guaranteed.